
Andrew Craig Memorial Scholarship

The PKU Organization of Illinois has elected to award scholarships for education to qualified individuals with PKU or Allied Disorders. This year, scholarships maybe awarded in amounts up to $2,000. Qualifying applicants must have been diagnosed with PKU or an Allied Disorder, currently reside in Illinois, and are enrolled in an accredited college, university, or vocational school for the Fall semester of the current calendar year. A student may be awarded more than one scholarship during their secondary education, but not in consecutive years.


The applicant must submit a complete application and

  • show proof that he/she will be enrolled in classes during the current school year(i.e., copy of class schedule)
  • have been diagnosed with PKU or an Allied Disorder
  • show proof of primary residence in Illinois (i.e., copy of Driver’s License or school ID)
  • submit a short essay including responses to the questions indicated
  • will apply awarded scholarship funds to college/university/vocational school expenses (i.e., course fees, textbooks, room & board)


An application should be obtained via the PKU Organization of Illinois website at Applications will be accepted from June 1 of the current year through 12:00 Midnight on the last business day of August of the current year. Business days do not include Saturday and Sunday.

  • The application must be completed and emailed to no later than 12:00 Midnight on the last business day of August of the current year.
  • Applications will be reviewed and ALL applications meeting the required criteria will be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration and selection.
  • The winner(s)of the scholarship(s)will be notified by email and invited to attend the PKU Organization of Illinois Annual Meeting to be recognized by the Board of Directors and the PKU/Allied Disorder Community at large.

Submitting An Application:

  1. Download the scholarship application here
  2. Print off and complete the required forms
  3. Give the “Release of Medical Information” form to your physician to complete and have them send the completed copy to
  4. Attach both your completed “Andrew Craig Memorial Scholarship Application” form and your short essay to an email and send to


Guidelines and Procedures last updated on June 25, 2019.